Servistate HTTP Editor

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  • HTTP Editor
  • API Testing
  • Performance Metrics
  • Uptime Monitoring

If you are building, debugging, testing or monitoring APIs, this is for you.

Send HTTP Requests

Build HTTP requests through an easy-to-use visual editor. Easily define query parameters, request headers and post data. Code editor included.

Inspect Response

Parse and visualize HTTP responses. Prettify HTML, XML and JSON. Expand / collapse, search & navigate into JSON data.

Measure Performance

Automatically track standard response metrics such as request time, status code and success rate. Monitor response stats real time.

Organize Better

Save your API requests, stats and dashboards into projects. Import / export data in readable JSON. Your data is your own.

Use Variables

Define project-wide variables such as base URL, standard headers and post data. Expand variable references in requests.

Upload Files

For file upload requests, save uploaded files into projects for easy access and self-containment.

Run API Tests

Organize and run your API tests straight from your HTTP editor. Monitor API test runs through the test runner. Red/green indicator included.

Validate Everything

Verify HTTP status and header content. Parse response data and extract values. Validate by a regular expression, XPath or JsonPath.

Chain API Requests

Easily replay login, business workflows and end-to-end scenarios by chaining API requests. Extract and pipe response data into next request.


HTTP Request Builder

  • Set HTTP method and URL
  • Auto-complete request header names
  • Auto-complete common request header values, as well as previously used headers
  • Build a URL's query string through a visual name-value editor
  • Turn off automatic follow redirects
  • Build request body as form data or URL-encoded string
  • Edit JSON, XML or HTML with code highlighting and auto-indentation
  • Upload files as part of form data
  • Preview request as a generic HTTP message, cURL command, jQuery.ajax() call, or JavaScript code using XMLHttpRequest

HTTP Response Visualizer

  • Show HTTP status code, status message and raw response as text
  • Format and highlight HTML, XML and JSON response
  • Preview HTML response rendered in a frame
  • Preview JSON response in an interactive JSON viewer with auto expand/collapse and search capabilities
  • Preview images
  • Visualize response headers, including from any previous redirects
  • Visualize request headers sent by the browser
  • Manage cookies for target domain
  • Format as a generic HTTP response message
  • Show response content size in bytes
  • Show request execution time in milliseconds

API Performance Metrics

  • Automatically track performance metrics for HTTP requests saved in projects
  • Visualize HTTP status code distribution as a timeline as well as a map
  • Keep count of the occurences of different status codes
  • Show response times as a line graph
  • Show content lengths as a line graph
  • Keep count of total runs of target request
  • Keep track of min, average and max response time
  • Keep track of average content length
  • Keep track of uptime rate, i.e. the rate of HTTP responses exclusing 5XX server errors
  • Keep track of request success rate, i.e. the rate of HTTP responses excluding 4XX (user) and 5XX (server) errors

Request History

  • Visualize previously executed requests in the sidebar
  • Manage request history from a separate page
  • Specify HTTP method, URL and headers in history
  • Save last status code and status text as part of the history data
  • Save last response content as part of the history data
  • Keep track of and navigate to owner project
  • Delete individual requests or clear the entire history
  • Increase history bucket size up to 500 requests


  • Organize similar requests into projects
  • Automatically track request stats in projects
  • Sort requests in projects by name, age or modification date, in ascending or descending order
  • Define project variables and use string interpolation in request editor to substitute variable names with values
  • Store files as binary data for easy access in file upload requests

Export / Import Data

  • Export all stored data as a JSON file
  • Export data from a single project
  • Choose whether to export stats and binary file data that may result in large export file size
  • Choose whether to auto-indent (beautify) exported JSON data file, or minify it for reduced file size
  • Import from JSON data files generated by Servistate
  • Select individual data collections to import from a file



Do you still cURL your way out of API headaches? Servistate HTTP Editor is an all-in-one tool for working with APIs.